Their hands are small, but don’t let their size fool you. Kids save lives too, in some cases with the help of technology we use every day.
Bentley Toone may be just barely out of diapers, but this two-year-olds swift action helped save his mother’s life.
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Most 28 year-olds do not give up their careers to commit all their time to volunteering.
Abeer Shaker has a degree in media studies from Damascus University, but instead she’s been volunteering with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent since the very beginning of the Syrian crisis and has decided to continue her work in the humanitarian field.
Today, we’re turning our social media avatars red to show our support and solidarity with the volunteers of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, as we mark three years since the beginning of the conflict in Syria.
You’ve heard the saying “in like a lion, out like a lamb” when referring to the month of March, right? It’s hard to believe this month we will welcome the first day of spring. So, as we enter into the third month of what is now the coldest winter in 20 years, here’s a look at a few other events which have brought this month in like a lion.
The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.
Escaping the violence that broke out in South Sudan in December, more than 48,000 refugees have now fled to neighbouring Uganda seeking safety.
Overall, an estimated 700,000 people have been displaced internally in South Sudan, with another 145,000 having fled to neighbouring countries.
To mark International Women's Day, we share a story from Mali, where the Canadian Red Cross is working to improve women and children's health.
Over 274 Malian children under the age of five die every day, mainly from preventable causes. Since 2012, the Canadian and Malian Red Cross Societies have been working together to implement a maternal, newborn, and child health project to deliver Basic Healthcare in the Community.
More than three months after Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines, the Canadian Red Cross has handed over the field hospital it deployed in November 2013 to the Philippine Red Cross. This will allow the Philippine Red Cross to provide basic health care to a community of 30,000 people in the event of a future emergency.