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Red Cross volunteering: in the Great White North and Panama's jungles

Even though I volunteer for Red Cross in Alberta when I am there, some might call me a fair weather friend these days and I’m fine with that.  After all, there is no snow to shovel in Panama this time of year and I can escape the Great White North to experience a completely different way of life and do more volunteering from Panama’s jungles.  

Former soldier now volunteers with his Red Cross family

A former Iranian solider and long-time volunteer, Mahmood Jafari, now calls the Canadian Red Cross his family.

After leaving friends and relatives behind in 1997 to migrate to Calgary, his lonely transition was made easier after he met two former Red Cross staffers, Peter Worsley and Vince Bodnar, who encouraged him to volunteer. Although Mahmood suffered a serious injury in Iraq that left him in a wheelchair, he agreed Red Cross would be a good way to help others.

In review: Blogging about Ebola

On December 29, 2015 Guinea became the latest country to be declared free of new Ebola cases! This announcement is an exciting milestone in beating the Ebola epidemic that began in March 2014. 

Alberta nurse and aid worker talks about experience at the Erding camp in Germany

Canmore resident  Dave Bateman is a registered nurse and the Director of Clinical Care at the Prostate Cancer Centre in Calgary. He spent a month in a refugee camp in Erding, Germany, assisting the German Red Cross. 

Round-up: Updates from Paraguay and India

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

Emergencies on the ice

 Even when precautions are taken, emergencies can happen. Here’s what to do if you or someone else goes through ice. 

Is that ice safe?

Taking caution around ice is an important part of enjoying some great outdoor activities like snowmobiling, ice fishing, skating and hockey. Learn to check for proper ice thickness with these tips. 

Providing valuable training to women on maternal and child health in Dominican Republic

In October 2015, a young woman in the municipality of Bánica shared her positive experience with me.

Juana Maria Carvajal Colon, 21, who was eight- months pregnant at the time, lives with her husband and six-year-old daughter. Juana and her sister had recently participated in a Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) training session organized by the Dominican Red Cross in her community. 

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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