The Red Cross responds to Cyclone Pam

| March 14, 2015

By Kate Roux, IFRC

Red Cross teams are assessing the impact of Severe Tropical Cyclone Pam after it made landfall in Vanuatu and Tuvalu in the South Pacific Ocean on Friday night. “The priority for everyone is shelter, food, water, and first aid,” says Augustine Garae, head of disaster management for the Vanuatu Red Cross (VRCS) as he surveyed the scene in Port Vila.

“We know there has been widespread destruction and many people have lost their homes. But it is taking time to assess the full situation given the communication difficulties”, he says.

There are a total of 26 evacuation centres in Port Vila where the Red Cross is assisting authorities. The military has been tasked with clearing and repairing the roads, and the authorities are working to restore communication with provinces across the country.

In Tuvalu, the Red Cross has distributed a 100 blankets and 100 tarpaulins on Funafuti Island. In coming days, Red Cross staff and volunteers will be conducting house to house surveys in the affected areas.

Prior to the cyclone’s arrival,  the Vanuatu Red Cross assisted authorities in carrying out evacuations across the country. The Red Cross also coordinated with the National Disaster Management Office to mobilize volunteers through national radio broadcasts conveying important safety measures. The VRCS has 200 active volunteers who are being mobilized and another 200 volunteers on standby.

Canadians can support Red Cross efforts to respond Cyclone Pam

Canadians wishing to support our efforts can make a financial donation to the Cyclone Pam Relief Fund online, by calling 1-800-418-1111 or by contacting their local Canadian Red Cross office.

Photo Credit: Talita Tu'ipulotu