Care, dignity and hope for Ebola patients

Topics: AfricaEmergencies and Disasters Worldwide
| February 26, 2015

image of Mustapha Mambu“I knew it was different from the colds I have had in the past,” said Mustapha Mambu, after he started feeling the symptoms of Ebola.  
Mustapha, 34, is from Komende Luyama in rural Sierra Leone. The village saw its first case of Ebola last September. By this time, the outbreak had already taken thousands of lives in communities across West Africa.        
“When I was confirmed as positive with Ebola, I thought that I wouldn’t survive,” Mustapha said.     
Mustapha was transferred to a Red Cross Ebola treatment centre built outside the town of Kenema.
Since the centre opened, Red Cross staff and volunteers have worked tirelessly in exhausting heat to change the fate of Ebola patients. Their humanitarian mission has provided support, dignity and hope to Mustapha and hundreds of others fighting Ebola.
“When I knew I was going to get treatment, that gave me hope,” Mustapha said. “It gave me the hope that I would recover.”
Inside the centre, Mustapha received care that would increase his chance of surviving. And like many patients – he did.  

Encouraging signs – but work not over   

Because of the generosity of our donors, the Canadian Red Cross has been able to change the lives of people like Mustapha and make a significant contribution to the fight against Ebola.
Today, our collective efforts have resulted in encouraging signs that the outbreak will be stopped.
But the fight is far from over. Ebola continues to be felt in the hardest hit countries, where it has torn apart families, communities and health systems.
In Mustapha’s village, there are new challenges of food shortages and orphans.
“We are very concerned about the future,” he said.  
Our work is not done. But with the support of our donors, the Red Cross will be there for affected communities for as long as our help is needed.