GivingTuesday and Canadian Red Cross partner to give gifts that matter

| December 02, 2014

On Black Friday, the malls were packed. On Cyber Monday, the credit cards were maxed. On GivingTuesday, we should all give back.

That’s the plan as the second-annual GivingTuesday launches in Canada on December 2. This growing campaign was created to encourage everyone to give back in any way they can. Individuals, families, business and organizations can use this day to transform how people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season.

As a GivingTuesday partner, the Canadian Red Cross is asking Canadians from coast-to-coast celebrate this new tradition of generosity by giving a gift that matters this holiday season.

By choosing to give the gifts of food, warmth and comfort, you can help individuals and families in your community enjoy this season in safety and with dignity.

With a variety of gifts to choose from, donors can interact with holiday scenes of food, warmth and comfort as they make life better for someone else this year.

Gift giving options include:

  • A gift of $12 can bring comfort through a teddy bear to the youngest of those affected by disasters
  • A gift of $30 is enough to provide family groceries for one day to help speed up the recovery of a family suffering through tragedy
  • A gift of $60 will provide one week of transport services to someone in your community which enables access to health and social services
  • A gift of $70 will provide hot dinners for one week to someone in need

Keep an eye out for #GivingTuesdayCa on social media on Dec.2 and for the rest of the week to see how others are giving and share your own ideas for making your community a better place.

Get involved in this GivingTuesday by giving a gift that matters from the Canadian Red Cross. Whatever you choose to give will make sure someone doesn’t spend this holiday season hungry, cold or alone.