Elastoplast teams up with Canadian Red Cross to triple match donations

Topics: NationalPhilanthropy News
| May 06, 2014

When the Canadian Red Cross mobilizes the power of humanity to improve the lives of vulnerable people they do it with the help of many dedicated volunteers, donors and corporate supporters. This month, the Canadian Red Cross welcomes an exciting triple match campaign from its committed partner Elastoplast, experts in wound care.
2014's triple match campaign

From now through May 31, 2014, every dollar you donate to the Canadian Red Cross will be worth triple.* This campaign kicks off during Emergency Preparedness Week (May 4-10), an annual event that raises awareness around the importance of preparing for emergencies for all Canadians. As well as educating Canadians on the steps they should take to stay safe during the first 72 hours of an emergency, the Canadian Red Cross wants to replenish disaster response supplies for the summer ahead.
“Disasters and emergencies are unpredictable and can happen at any time, in any place,” says John Byrne, Director General of Disaster Management at the Canadian Red Cross. “It is because of our preparation, training, investment and infrastructure that we are able to respond rapidly and effectively to people in need. And it’s through donations that the Red Cross can make that happen.”
Why your help is needed
Already this spring, communities across Canada have been affected by floods, which are one of the most common and costly disasters in Canada. In 2013, the Red Cross helped over 91,000 people in response to 2,800 emergencies – that’s an average of almost eight emergencies every day. As a result, there is an urgent need to replenish our disaster response supplies to make sure the more than 6,200 trained response volunteers across Canada can help Canadians when they need it most.
“Whether it’s a house fire or a large scale flood that affects a whole community, the Red Cross is always ready to respond and provide the help to people affected by disasters or emergencies,” adds Byrne. “Having a well-stocked inventory of supplies, such as cots, blankets, clean-up kits, etc. allows us to do just that.”

Do your part today

You can help the Canadian Red Cross continue its humanitarian mission by donating today and seeing your gift tripled by Elastoplast.
Don’t miss your chance to see your donation have a greater impact.

*The match is up to a total of $50,000