Red Cross staff member makes a difference in Moose Cree First Nation

Topics: Our Impact on the Ground
| September 09, 2013

As one of the most active non-profit organizations in the country, the Canadian Red Cross works to provide people who have been impacted by emergencies and disasters with the assistance they need to prevent future incidents and acquire new skills.

With the assistance of dedicated and passionate staff like Bryan Nahrgang, who works at the Canadian Red Cross' satellite office in Moose Cree, the Canadian Red Cross is able to better reach out to people in need.

Bryan's story
This past June, Bryan began working with the Canadian Red Cross as a Community Service Coordinator at the Red Cross satellite office in Moose Cree First Nation. In this role, Bryan facilitates first aid and disaster management training. Since joining the Red Cross, he's been able to recruit nine disaster response volunteers. Bryan also has a unique commute, getting to the office by walking for 30 minutes, and then kayaking for another 30 minutes.

In 2006, Bryan moved to Moosonee from Kitchener. Before getting involved with the Canadian Red Cross, Bryan helped operate a literacy centre for two years in Moosonee and also worked as a supply teacher in the same community.

"The Canadian Red Cross is a tremendous organization and the programs we have need to be utilized and accessible in these northern communities where we have such extremes in weather and isolation," said Bryan.

Moose Cree office
In November 2012, the Canadian Red Cross opened its first satellite office in Ontario, located in Moose Cree First Nation. The community is located on the coast of James Bay near Moosonee. This is the second satellite office created by the Red Cross in all of Canada and is intended to help address the unique needs of people living in First Nation communities.

The office will provide ongoing support for Red Cross programs and initiatives in the area. New services designed to address specific issues within First Nation communities will also be implemented.

Take action
The work of the Canadian Red Cross in communities like Moose Cree has provided an essential layer of support for those impacted by adversity. And this is only one area where the Red Cross is making an impact on the ground.

From preventing violence and abuse through a variety of programs to helping strengthen communities with first aid, CPR, water safety and disaster preparedness services, the Canadian Red Cross' offers resources to individuals in need that can, in turn, create lasting change and give people newfound confidence and knowledge.

By choosing to donate online or at your local Red Cross office today, you can ensure that people in need have access to help that will allow them enjoy a better quality of life overall.