TC International Council Geneva Forum 2024

Event Co-chairs Welcome – Anna Hunt Binkley, Row McGilvray and Dania Samawi
Timing and Location Details

Optional Unforgettable Excursions

IMPORTANT: Please note: this is a ticketed event. For further information please contact

Event Co-chairs Welcome – Anna Hunt Binkley, Row McGilvray and Dania Samawi

The three event Co-chairs, on behalf of the Tiffany Circle International Council are pleased to welcome you International Forum to learn and be inspired about the outstanding humanitarian work of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

Hear from senior leaders of both the IFRC and the ICRC. Learn about the accomplishments and the challenges they are facing including their work with respect to international law and the Geneva conventions, the conflicts they are responding to along with the monumental response required for the more frequent and more severe weather-related disasters the world is facing.

We are so delighted that you will be joining us in this fantastic city to experience the warmth and camaraderie of the Tiffany Circle.

Anna Hunt BinkleyRow McGilvrayDania Samawi


Timing and Location Details

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 – Saturday, October 5, 2024
Hotel President Wilson
47, Quai Wilson
Geneva, Switzerland, 1211

Event Schedule

Noble Prizes awared to the International Committee of the Red Cross

Programming Highlights:
  • You will be welcomed at an evening reception along with fellow Tiffany Circle members from across the globe, including: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany and learn from founding members the how and the why Tiffany Circles came to be.
  • Hear from senior leaders of both the IFRC and the ICRC. Learn about the accomplishments and the challenges they are facing including their work with respect to international law and the Geneva conventions, the conflicts they are responding to along with the monumental response required for the more frequent and more severe weather-related disasters the world is facing.
  • Visit the highly acclaimed and moving International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum and enjoy a reception with other Tiffany Circle members and senior leaders of the Movement.
View schedule


We are delighted introduce our esteemed speakers who will be sharing their expertise and insights at our Tiffany Circle International Council Geneva Forum 2024. Each of them brings a wealth of knowledge and, we are honoured to have them as part of this special occasion.

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Optional Unforgettable Excursions

Optional side trips have been organized outside the official program.

View optional excursions