Emergency and Disaster Services

When an emergency or disaster strikes in the Yukon, the Canadian Red Cross may works in partnership with first responders, public officials, emergency managers, and alongside other voluntary sector organizations to provide vital services to the public.

Through an ongoing partnership with the Government of Yukon, the Canadian Red Cross offers Emergency Support Services to people and communities who have been impacted by an emergency or disaster. The agreement also helps enhance disaster response and emergency preparedness across the territory for events such as wildfires, flooding and personal disasters such as house fires, and further promote the health, safety and well-being of all Yukoners. 

The Canadian Red Cross may provide the following services in case of a disaster or emergency:  
  • Emergency accommodation
  • Reception and information
  • Emergency food
  • Emergency clothing
  • Personal services
  • Family reunification services
  • Mental health and psychosocial support services 
Across the territory, the Canadian Red Cross has teams of volunteers ready to respond to emergencies. You too can be there to help when help is needed most. Visit our volunteer page to learn more about volunteer opportunities in the Yukon.

To learn more about how the Canadian Red Cross supports community preparedness, adaptation, and recovery priorities to reduce risks and impacts throughout the country, visit our Risk Reduction and Resilience page

Volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross in the Yukon

Are you interested in joining a team of passionate volunteers with the Canadian Red Cross in the Yukon? Learn more about volunteer opportunities in the territory. 

Apply now

Emergency Preparedness Resources

Discover our tips on how to prepare for emergencies and disasters. Download our free emergency plan template and other resources today.  

View Resources

Ready Rating

Ready Rating is a free, online platform that helps businesses, schools, and organizations prepare to respond to emergencies and disasters. Become a member today to see how your organization can improve its emergency preparedness. 

Learn More