Manitoba News and Stories

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Tom Hamson and Henry van Deldan at a Red Cross booth

National Volunteer Week: Celebrating our long-serving volunteers

April 21, 2023 - The Red Cross is an organization that relies on the dedication of committed and caring volunteers. In their 20+ years of service, Tom Hamson and Henry van Delden have proven to be emblematic of these traits time and time again.

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Ellie accepting her Order of the Red Cross award from Shawn Feeley, VP Manitoba and Nunavut

Canadian Red Cross awards its highest honour to Ellie Cansfield from Manitoba

April 19, 2023 - In her 10 years of services since joining the Canadian Red Cross in 2013, Ellie Cansfield has been one of the most reliable and dedicated volunteers in Manitoba. She is always willing to take on whatever needs to be done and never hesitates when asked to assist communities in need to support – from evacuations to COVID-19 outbreaks.

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Karen Brodeur Trotter pictured with the 2030 First Aid Vision report

Manitoba Red Crosser helps unite international first aid efforts

April 11, 2023 - The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) serves many people around the globe with first aid programming. How does such a vast network of National Societies – 192 in total – work together to harmonize and oversee international first aid standards? With the help of Manitoba’s own Karen Brodeur-Trotter, to start.

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Dr. Valerie Oosterveld at the IHL event in Winnipeg

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence: Dr. Valerie Oosterveld on seeking justice for survivors

December 08, 2022 - The Canadian Red Cross hosted the Paul Buteux Memorial Lecture, Caught in Conflict: Seeking justice for survivors of gender-based crimes in war, in collaboration with the University of Manitoba and Centre for Defence and Security Studies at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg, earlier this year. 

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North Rustico Beach in Prince Edward Island

Manitoba responds in Prince Edward Island post-Fiona

November 30, 2022 - Four hundred and fifty Red Cross personnel from across Canada have been deployed to affected regions since the storm hit on Sept. 24. Included among those responders is Communications Advisor, Manitoba and Nunavut, Laura Ellis, serving as local communications and issues management support for the Field Operations Team stationed in Charlottetown.

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