Red Cross Pink Day
Pink Day started in 2007, when a grade nine student in Cambridge, Nova Scotia was bullied by classmates for wearing a pink shirt to school. Taking notice, two students named Travis Price and David Shepherd rallied their peers to send a message to the bullies. The next day, the halls were filled with students in pink t-shirts.
Red Cross Pink Shirt Day started because two boys chose to do something about bullying rather than stand by and watch it happen. Now the movement is worldwide, educating and inspiring others to stand together and take action against violence and bullying.
Here’s how you can get involved:
- Wear pink on Feb. 28!
- Share how you stood up for someone who was being bullied or about someone who stood up for you when you were being bullied using #BeSomeonesHero
- Share photos of your pink celebration using #PinkDay
- Spread the word: When a bystander intervenes in a bullying situation it usually stops in 10 seconds or less. Speak up and #BeSomeonesHero #PinkDay
- Update your Facebook profile image with the official Red Cross Pink Day frame
Free Bullying Prevention Tip Sheets:
Preventing Bullying Tips For Parents
English | French
Preventing Bullying Tips For Youth
English | French
Find your local Red Cross Pink Day activities