Respectful Maternity Care Around the Globe

Join us as we examine what some Canadian Maternal, Newborn and Child Health experts are doing in the field to help keep mothers and their children safe and healthy.

Monday, March 27, 2017, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
It’s much more than catching! The Canadian Red Cross with support from Global Affairs Canada presents an evening on “Respectful Maternal Care Around the Globe.” Join us as we examine what some Canadian Maternal, Newborn and Child Health experts are doing in the field to help keep mothers and their children safe and healthy. This event includes presentations from academics and midwives who will talk about work being done in countries such as Uganda, Nepal and Haiti. A moderated panel discussion will follow after the presentations. The event ends with a networking reception.
The event is free. Refreshments will be provided. Babes in arms welcome!
Speakers include:
Cathy Ellis, Midwife & Senior Instructor, Midwifery Program, UBC
Mickey Rostoker, Physician & Clinical Associate Professor, UBC
Alix Bacon, Midwife & President, Midwives Association of BC
Jennifer Duggan, Midwife & Emergency Response Unit Delegate, Canadian Red Cross
Moderator: Jacquelyn Thorne, Midwife, UBC Midwifery graduate
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