November 4, 2021 - The Use of Explosive Weapons in Urban Settings
Please note that both translation to English and closed captioning in English and French will be provided.
Registration: Register here
Note: This event took place in French with simultaneous translation in English. Closed captioning will be available in both languages.
The Canadian Red Cross is pleased to to provide you with the 2021 Québec IHL video recordings, organised in close partnership with the Montreal Institute for international studies (IEIM) at UQAM. This free, public, online conference offered attendees the opportunity to further heighten their understanding and awareness of pressing issues and complexities surrounding International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and features experts and academics in the field.
International Humanitarian Law is a set of rules seeking to limit the effects of armed conflict for humanitarian reasons. The complexities of contemporary conflicts combined with the overabundance of information and media interest have resulted in a heightened interest in difficult humanitarian issues particularly for students of law, those involved in countries affected by armed conflicts, humanitarian workers or those interested in working for international criminal tribunals. Join us as we examine international armed conflict through the lens of IHL.
This event offered participants a glimpse into the consequences of the use of explosive weapons in urban settings and helped build an understanding of the legal framework and the political and humanitarian ramifications of its use.
The recording is available above
Sophie Rondeau is a member of the Quebec Bar and an associate member of the Canadian Observatory on Humanitarian Crises and Action (C-OCHA). She holds a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B, UdeM), a Master of Laws (LL.M, UQAM) and a Doctorate in Law (LL.D, UNIGE / ULaval). Over the years, she has worked in the field of international justice, human rights and international humanitarian law in institutions such as Diakonia, Rights & Democracy, the Canadian Red Cross, the Jean-Pictet Competition and the ICTY. She is also a lecturer in the Master's program in applied international law and politics at the Université de Sherbrooke.
Dr. EIRINI GIORGIOU of the ICRC and other experts.
Dr Eirini Giorgou is a legal adviser on weapons law in ICRC HQ, Geneva. Previously employed in the ICRC's unit for relations with armed and security forces, she has several years' experience in multilateral disarmament and arms control diplomacy and negotiations outside of the ICRC. Eirini is a licensed lawyer and holds a PhD in international law from the University of Geneva.
Lieutenant-Colonel NADINE FORTIN
She is Deputy Director of the the Law of Armed Conflict course offered by the Institute of international Humanitarian Law at Salon-de-Provence since 2016 and currently holds the position of Director of International and Operational Law in the OJAG.
Marion Guillaumont currently serves as Disarmament Advocacy Officer for Humanity & Inclusion
She holds two master’s degrees from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Grenoble. Before joining HI, she worked for different associations and NGOs, on Education and Social and Solidarity Economy projects in several countries of the MENA region. Before joining HI's office in Brussels, she worked in Paris on the French campaign to protect civilians against the use of explosive weapons in populated areas (EWIPA).