Sept 27th 2019 Women, Weapons and War Conference
Join us for what promises to be a fascinating and enriching event that will address two pressing issues in International Humanitarian Law (IHL).
The first part of the conference will focus on both the role of women in armed conflict and on the impact armed conflicts have on them, how international humanitarian law has impacted women in conflict, and how the involvement of women in conflict has influenced the extent that protections afforded by IHL (and other bodies of law) have impacted women.
The second part of the conference will focus on the legal and policy issues surrounding weapons in armed conflicts. The panelists will discuss a variety of weapons systems, why the psychological and physical impact of these weapons resulted in their prohibition or restricted use, how IHL is enforced with regards to these weapons and what measures need to be done to limit their use.
Location: Room 105, Weldon Law Building, Dalhousie University, 6061 University Ave, Halifax, NS
When: Friday, September 27, 2019 from 2:00pm - 7:00pm. A catered reception will follow the conference.
We will have the pleasure to host legal experts on IHL, women, and weapons/weapons control, who come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences in the UN, government, the military, academia, and NGOs.
A draft agenda is available here.
If you wish to register, please fill out the registration form below.
For any questions, please contact Marie-Laure Tapp at or the John E. Read International Law Society at Dalhousie University at