Halifax Conference: Cyber Warfare

The Canadian Red Cross will be hosting the 12th Annual International Humanitarian Law conference at Dalhousie University, on January 27th 2017 in partnership with Dalhousie’s  John E. Read International Law Society (JERILS) and the Dalhousie Law and Technology Institute. 

Each year the student organizers of the conference attempt to create a forum to discuss the foundations of IHL and the necessity and application of laws which limit both the methods and means of armed conflict. The conference aims to address the challenges and possibilities of IHL in the 21st century. This year the conference will focus on Cyber Warfare and will explore what cyber warfare looks like in an IHL context, and what protections and rules might apply.

The conference will bring together experts from the field of IHL as well as academics, practitioners and representatives from the Office of the Judge Advocate General and Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement. The keynote is by Gary Brown, Professor of Cyber Security at Marine Corps University.

When: January 27, 2017 from 1:00 pm- 4:30 pm
Where: Room 105, Weldon Law Building, Dalhousie University, 6061 University Ave, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
Cost: Free

To register, please click.

For more information, please email kristie.mailman@redcross.ca.