You’re more prepared than you think

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Family unloading groceries
Emergencies can happen at any time, be prepared! 
Emergencies and disasters can look like large-scale wildfires, multi-vehicle accidents, or a home fire. Knowing what to expect, how to prepare, and where to find the information you need can help ensure you can act quickly.

There are proven actions you can take now to help you and your family be ready when an emergency happens.


WHAT do you have that could be used in an emergency?

Some disasters may force you to evacuate your home, or stay there for an indefinite period of time. Building an emergency kit can help ensure you and your loved ones are taken care of when disasters strike.

You likely have many items that you need already in your home. There are great ways to repurpose everyday items to care for your own circle of family, friends and neighbours.
Things to think about when building a kit:
  • Does your family include children? Elders? Pets?
    • If you have to evacuate what might each person need to take with them?
    • What might you need to stock up on if you had to shelter in place for a long period of time?
  • Are there special items that you and your loved ones need to have in an emergency?
    • These could include items like insulin; a cane or wheelchair; medicines; or diapers and comfort items for small children.
  • Think of how you can repurpose items you already have to make them useful in an emergency. Some examples include:
    • Using lard to make a candle for light/heat source.
    • Ensuring your wood stove has adequate supplies.
    • Ensuring your pantry has staples like flour and sugar.
    • Books and activities to entertain children.
    • An outdoor BBQ that can be used outdoors for cooking.
    • What other items can you add.
  • What types of emergencies you may face?
    • If there is a power outage, how would this affect your home? Would you be able to cook without power? Would your heating or cooling (AC) work? What alternatives can you have for these?
    • If you have a generator test it regularly and make sure you have fuel for it.
      • Never run a generator indoors!
    • If you don't own a generator, is there anyone you know who has one in case there is an emergency - for example, going to their home to cook a meal or to warm up/cool down if needed. Ask them ahead of time so you can include this in your plan.
    • If you experience a heat wave, what can you do to cool your house down? or where in the community could you go to cool down?
  • Write down your plan and put it in your kit so you can find it quickly when you need it.
Additional resources  
WHERE can you find out what you need?
Not all communities face the same risks. A crucial aspect of preparing for emergencies is knowing the risks that are specific to your community.

Learn more about the risks in your area:
  • Ask Elders and community leadership about past emergencies.
    • Has your community been evacuated? What worked well and what did they learn they needed?
    • Have flooding or wildfires affected your community? How did they affect homes? What time of the year did these take place?
    • Has anyone experienced a home fire? How would they do things differently?
    • How is the weather in your community changing due to climate change? Are you experiencing more severe winters? Is the snow/ice melting earlier/later? Are you seeing less rain or drier months of the year? Are the summers hotter? How are these affecting your community and your home and how can you prepare for these?
Additional resources  
Gather your kit and write your checklist of items to grab and things to do if an emergency happens. Getting organized ahead of time can help ensure you don’t forget anything and give you peace of mind. Make sure everyone in your circle knows your plan, including children.
Make your plan:
  • Ask about community emergency plans and develop your family emergency plan. Practice your emergency plan with the whole family and anybody else who you include in it.
    • Learn about your role and responsibility in those plans.
  • Who in your neighbourhood, family, or friends group would you work with during disaster to ensure everyone was taken care of? Talk to them ahead of time and make sure they include you in their plans.
  • Who in your community will need assistance in an emergency? Talk to them ahead of time and if you possible, include helping them in your emergency plan.  
  • Consider what you would do if your family got separated:
    • How could you reconnect? (consider if cell phones weren’t working)
    • If needed, designate other adults who will make decisions for your family, until everyone is reunited.
Additional resources  

In the event of a disaster or emergency in your community here are some steps to take to stay safe:  

  • Listen to your local Public Safety officials.
  • Share information with Elders who may not have access to the information.
  • Listen to the local radio for instructions.
  • Help your neighbours if you can!
Additional resources
  • Learn more about Weather Notifications (need to upload)
  • Following an emergency or disaster, a person may experience a range of thoughts, feelings and behaviour that can be intense, confusing and frightening. Learn more about Coping With Crisis
  • Are you helping others during an emergency? Here are some Self Care tips that can help care for your own mental health.

Emergency Preparedness resources in additional languages

7-10 Day emergency preparedness kit contents  
72 hour emergency preparedness kit contents   
Flood Safety   
Are you helping others during an emergency? Here are some Self Care tips that can help care for your own mental health   
Learn more about Weather Notifications 

After a Disaster

Recovering after a disaster can be overwhelming. Check out what resources the Red Cross has to offer.

Read more

Get an Emergency Kit

Getting or making a kit is the final step in being ready for any emergency. Find out what you need to put in it.

Read more

Coping with Crisis

Learn how to recover emotionally from a disaster or emergency.

Read more