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Swimming and water safety: Never too late to learn

We’re feeling pretty inspired by Team Canada in Rio to practice our swimming - and just because we’re not training to be Olympians doesn’t mean it’s a waste of time training in a pool. When we think of swimming lessons a lot of us immediately think of little kids splashing around – but what about teens and adults who are ready to pick up or improve their water skills?

Sporting #LifejacketLiving in style - congratulations to our photo contest winners!

There were some great photos submitted to our recent #LifejacketLiving contest, showing how we Canadians sport our lifejackets in some beautiful locations throughtout the country. 

Lifejacket living in the Northwest Territories

There are a lot of excuses the three of us could have used to not wear our lifejackets. After all, we are all confident swimmers;  the water was calm; we weren’t going very far out; we could just throw three lifejackets in the canoe; and we all felt pretty comfortable with our canoe abilities. The thing is, all of these reasons only make sense in a world where nothing goes wrong, and especially nothing goes wrong as quickly as a canoe tipping over. 

Live to explore this summer

We want to see how you live to explore our lakes, rivers and shores while wearing your lifejacket. Snap a pic and send it to us for a chance to win one of 10 family packs of Mustang lifejackets.
Share your photo on social media using #LifeJacketLiving or #LaVieEnGilet to enter the contest or submit your photo online here.

The importance of water safety - one Canadian Red Crosser's story

Every year, over 500 Canadians die in drowning-related incidents. Of these, over 90 per cent are men. Statistics, however, often mask the individual losses though and the enormous impact a drowning death can have on an entire family. Danika Crossman, boating safety program coordinator with the Canadian Red Cross, knows this loss first hand. In 2009, her uncle drowned while he was boating with his wife on Lake Okanagan in Kelowna, B.C. He was 41.

How to keep kids safe around water without instilling fear

My happiest childhood memories are of times spent at the family cottage, floating on an inner tube, lounging in a lakeside hammock, and learning how to paddle a canoe. I grew up loving water and feeling safe and confident around water. That’s because my parents did a great job of balancing out two important messages. They taught me that being around water can be incredibly fun, but that you have to be alert to the dangers at the same time.

Welcoming refugees with swimming lessons

As an aquatics professional, Janet has watched the Syrian refugee crisis with a unique perspective – and that perspective has lead her to create a free swimming program for Syrian refugee children. 

Kinetic - Volunteer Energy in Motion

Chatting with Cheryl Wauthier reminded me of two terms that I learned from an Intro to Physics class: Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy. Essentially, potential energy is whatever energy a body has stored in itself when it is at rest. This energy is converted into kinetic energy when an outside force acts on the body and sets it into motion. When Cheryl joined the Red Cross, I like to think that all the potential energy she had in herself to do great things was released, became kinetic, and hasn’t stopped moving since.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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