Red Cross Stories (Page 51)

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Food Friday: Keeping cool with a tasty smoothie

*Every Friday is all about food on Red Cross Talks – everything from Red Cross inspired recipes to emergency food tips and solutions Staff at the Canadian Red Cross in Nova Scotia recently got a little lesson in smoothie making. It’s all part of t...

Talking water safety with Amber Mac

* Guest blog by Amber MacArthur (@ambermac). Amber is a tech journalist and best-selling author. She is also a member of the Canadian Red Cross Twitter Team. Amber's three-year-old son has completed his first session of swimming lessons, and he loved...

Walmart staff comes through in Saskatchewan

Guest entry by Candace Lamb, Public Affairs in Saskatchewan Last week, Red Crossers from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan got to witness the Power of Humanity in action. A severe thunderstorm had knocked out power throughout the city so many businesses...

Red Cross responds: beat the heat

Yesterday, Toronto reached a record high of 36.3 C, beating the old record of 36.1 C which was set back in 1955. When there is a heat alert on days such as this, Red Cross volunteers in Toronto hand out water to the city's most vulnerable communities...

What is your defining moment?

What is the defining moment you felt most proud to be Canadian? Maclean's magazine recently put that question out to its audience, and Red Cross disaster management volunteer Lynda Henshell, of Thunder Bay, responded with the statement below...

Photo of the Day: A show of pink

A visit to Peggy’s Cove as part of the Canadian Red Cross' national AGM in Halifax turned into an opportunity for Red Crossers to pose with their pink t-shirts to show their support and commitment to bullying prevention. Nova Scotia is where pink s...

Youth shine at national AGM

The Canadian Red Cross held its annual general meeting in Halifax this past weekend. Of course, important announcements were made including a new partnership with CIDA, awards were handed out, and staff and volunteers shared successes from the past y...

Photo of the Day: No ordinary pair of boots

This image was shared with us on our Facebook page earlier this month. We thought it was such a cool photo, that we decided to share it on the blog! This pair of rubber boots was signed by every Canadian Red Crosser deployed to Thunder Bay, ON t...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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