Red Cross Stories (Page 25)

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Photo of the Day: The journey of a Syrian food parcel

At the Syrian Arab Red Crescent’s al-Maisat centre, many families await the distribution of food parcels. Each food parcel contains 15 kg of rice, five litres of sunflower oil, three cans of tuna, five kg of sugar, one kg of lentils and 15 cans o...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Reflecting on family tradition, guest blogger Kai Tao, a Red Cross volunteer in Ontario, shares one of his fondest memories of Thanksgiving. I spent most of my first 18 years of Thanksgiving long weekend in Canada being a member of an extended fam...

Food Friday: Thanksgiving recipe swap

It’s Food Friday and Red Crossers are swapping Thanksgiving recipes to help with your holiday dinner. If you have a large family like Joan Tierney from Red Cross headquarters in Ottawa, you might find it helpful to prepare some dishes in advance. ...

Food Friday: Gobble Gobble!

Gobble Gobble!  Yep, it’s that time of year again. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, we thought we’d check in with what special plans Red Crossers have and what is on their menu for the holiday this Monday. One thing is for certain, Re...

Celebrating community support services in Ontario

October is Community Support Services month in Ontario, and we are celebrating some of our programs that make it possible for people in the community to live independently. Fern Campbell is a great example of someone who has benefited from the Re...

Fire Safety Week: Are you ready for a fire?

Guest entry by Common Cents Mom blogger Hollie Pollard It is Fire Safety Week, and every time I think of fire safety, I am taken back to that June night in Hamilton, Ontario, when a fast moving fire burned the thirty-unit complex that I lived next t...

Red cross swims overseas!

China reportedly has one of the highest drowning rates in the world, so the Red Cross Society of China has been taking action to reduce it. And, during the past couple of weeks, a Canadian Red Cross team had the chance to be part of that action. S...

Photo of the Day: Help on the way after Hurricane Ingrid

Today’s photo comes from the Mexican Red Cross, who have responded to 32,000 individuals in parts of Mexico affected by Hurricane Ingrid and Tropical Storm Manuel. Massive flooding and landslides have left 18 states in Mexico in need of aid. The ...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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