Red Cross Stories (Page 29)

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A golden anniversary amongst muddy waters

Guest post by: Calli Forbes Alex and Doris consider themselves lucky, despite the damage their High River home suffered in recent flooding. I had the opportunity to meet them in my work with the Red Cross in Alberta, where they told me not of what...

Rebuilding in High River, Alberta

Guest post by Siobhan Reid, Communications Student After a day spent meeting residents, distributing supplies and providing information to the people of High River, I began to observe trends in the community’s need assessments. From duct tape to dum...

Photo of the Day: Recovery in Lac-Mégantic

The Canadian Red Cross continues to work with local authorities to help those affected by the explosions in Lac-Mégantic.  Thanks to your generous donations we are working to provide emergency shelter, food and clothing, registration services and fami...

Hockey hospitality in High River

Guest entry by Calli Forbes, Communications Coordinator, Canadian Red Cross When it comes to hockey, especially the Calgary Flames, Jeremy Kroeker knows his stuff. The High River resident, who lives with special needs, can rattle off statis...

Update from Lac-Mégantic, Québec

[slideshow] Following an explosion caused by a derailed train in Lac-Megantic, Quebec, the Canadian Red Cross sent teams of volunteers and equipment in support of the municipality to help those in need.  About 2000 people have been evacuated from th...

Update on Alberta Flood Relief

Woman loses home and important historical site in Bragg Creek

Barb Teghtmeyer lives in the community of Bragg Creek, 30 minutes south west of Calgary. Looking out from the side of where her house is on the edge of the river, you can see where the highway used to be, that’s now washed out. Teghtmeyer grew up the...

Welcoming Christine to the Social Media Team

We are extending a warm Red Cross welcome to Christine Pantazis! Christine (@wedding_crasher) is the newest Social Ambassador to join our team. She is a trained digital volunteer with the Red Cross and has been helping in social media in times of dis...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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