Red Cross Programs (Page 26)

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Province honours Respect Education team with Inspiration Award

Just in time for national Bullying Awareness Week, the Ministry of Human Services of the Province of Alberta has named the Red Cross’s anti-bullying education program as one of the winners of the 2016 Inspiration Award in the category of Leadership in Prevention of Bullying.

Photo of the day: Getting on top of three deadly outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo is currently dealing with three epidemics at once: cholera, measles and yellow fever. The Democratic Republic of Congo Red Cross has been a key partner of their government in the fight against these recurrent epidemics, with hundreds of volunteers raising community-level awareness about preventative measures.

New grad gains experience through volunteering

After graduating from the nursing program at Queens University, Nicole Edwards made some surprising discoveries about community health. Nicole had just returned to her hometown of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and was seeking ways to occupy her free time while she looked for a job.  She applied to volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross, and was assigned the role of Community Health Transportation volunteer with the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living program.

A day in the life of a humanitarian aid worker

Today is World Humanitarian Day and to celebrate we're sharing a day in the life of a Red Cross humanitarian aid worker.

These photos offer a glimpse into a day in the life of IFRC aid worker Jamie LeSueur, a Canadian who is working in Zimbabwe in response to the food crisis. 

Mobile clinics providing relief after Ecuador earthquake

The community of Coaque is about a 15-minute drive along the highway from where the Canadian Red Cross field hospital is based in Pedernales, Ecuador. The field hospital has been supporting a local health facility damaged by the April earthquake. Doctor Patricia Connick has been going out on mobile clinics like this nearly every day of her one-month mission.

Live to explore this summer

We want to see how you live to explore our lakes, rivers and shores while wearing your lifejacket. Snap a pic and send it to us for a chance to win one of 10 family packs of Mustang lifejackets.
Share your photo on social media using #LifeJacketLiving or #LaVieEnGilet to enter the contest or submit your photo online here.

South Sudan and Fort McMurray: family ties

Marial Mayom Riak and his uncle Anyuon Awan meet each other with smiles, hugs and a traditional greeting. It has been years since they last saw each other, but the two family members, from opposite sides of the world, are brought back together through the Red Cross and the Fort McMurray fire.

World Refugee Day: photos of hope and survival

Around the world, the Red Cross movement protects people who have been forced to flee their homelands in search of safety. Here is a snapshot of our work over the past year.   

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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