Red Cross Programs (Page 24)

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Summer first aid: Watch out for ticks and Lyme disease

When the vet told me that my cat had ticks that could be harmful to me, I felt a sudden tingle run down my spine. Luckily, the little black dots in my bed hadn’t yet eaten me alive or given me Lyme disease.

Training the trainers in first aid for the body and mind

Sometimes first aid means checking an unresponsive patient’s airway, breathing and circulation. Sometimes it means recognizing the symptoms that could lead to self harm, or supporting someone through a panic attack.
“We always say if someone is hurt, we can help them,” says Diane Story, who has been a first aid educator at the Red Cross for almost 40 years, adding that this doesn’t always mean physically. “Sometimes they are hurt in a different way.”

What to do if someone is experiencing a stroke

When a health emergency happens to someone in your presence, it can be overwhelming on many levels. It can be quite shocking to witness someone choking, having a heart attack or diabetic emergency. Everyday emergencies can include broken bones, bleeding, burns, allergic reactions, and seizures to name a few. However, to help improve your ability to help in such an emergency, it helps to be prepared with first aid – this knowledge could help you save someone’s life!

Three powerful ways parents can help a child who is being bullied

Your child is being bullied. You want to do everything you can to help her to feel safe and loved, but you’re not quite sure what to do or what to say. Here are a few tips.

How to stop bullying: the role of the bystander

Do you forget about the bystander when you think about bullying?

Those who bully, and the people they target, are often the focus on days like Pink Shirt Day or Pink Day. But they’re not the only people who can help end bullying. Bystanders can also make a big difference.

Red Cross basics: The principle of neutrality

Every program and activity done by the Red Cross and Red Crescent is guided by our seven fundamental principles. Today we’re taking a closer look at fundamental principle #3: Neutrality. 

Calling all youth: be prepared with Stay Safe!

Aiming to give youth important first aid and injury prevention skills, the Canadian Red Cross has updated its Youth program to give youth greater confidence in caring for themselves and others. Stay Safe! is a new course designed for youth aged 9 to 13 years, in order to provide skills and knowledge to increase their confidence in staying safe on their own.

What do you want to ask an aid worker?

Every year during the first week of February, the Canadian Government recognizes International Development Week. The week aims to encourage Canadians to learn more about, and contribute actively to, international development. It also showcases the work Canadians are doing to make the world a better place.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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