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Canadian Red Cross mobile vaccine clinics demonstrate value of teamwork and agility

For most of us, getting a shot only lasts an instant, but for public health specialist Shawna Novak, the vaccination story begins before clinic doors open and ends long after doses are administered.
Shawna is part of the Canadian Red Cross vaccination team operating clinics across southern Ontario.

Canadian Red Cross awards its highest honour to two Nova Scotians

The contributions of Canadian Red Cross personnel who have volunteered locally and around the world to natural disasters or health emergencies including throughout the COVID-19 pandemic were highlighted recently in a ceremony at the Nova Scotia legislature in Halifax to mark International Volunteer Day 2021.

Canadian Red Cross volunteer receives prestigious IFRC award

With 16 years under her belt in the Canadian Red Cross, Ottawa volunteer Debbie James is accustomed to focusing on others. Debbie’s can-do attitude has led her through more than 100 responses across the country and an array of roles supporting others.
“If I have the bandwidth and my help is needed, I’ll try to do it,” she says.

Friendly Calls program expands in Alberta

“Right away people are telling you, ‘I'm so thankful that you called. I was not expecting any other calls this week.’ They are happy to hear from us.”
That is the way Luisa Castro, the provincial coordinator of the Virtual Support Team describes the reaction of participants in the Friendly Calls program.

Sometimes all you need is a friendly chat

For over three years, Cheryl Horgan has been volunteering as an emergency management responder with the Canadian Red Cross in New Brunswick. She spent some her time volunteering with our Friendly Calls program in Atlantic Canada.

Preparing to return home after a house fire

Fires are one of the most common emergencies experienced by Canadians in their home. Home fires can happen anywhere and any time, but most commonly occur between December and March. There’s a lot you can do to prevent it from happening, however. Here are some steps to follow before returning home after a house fire.

Red Cross SmartStart offers an injury prevention program for newcomers

In 2018, Faith Okolie and her family arrived in Montreal as refugees from Nigeria. They were in danger and sought safe haven in Canada. They found it, and now Faith teaches newcomers in Winnipeg how they can stay safe in their new homes.

Newcomer doctor duo on deployment

Sepideh Alvandi and Vahid Zolfagharimoheb are married physicians from Iran who arrived in July 2021 to make Canada their new home.
The couple wasted no time applying their professional skills and humanitarian drive to help others in need in their new country.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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