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Reasons for hope during COVID-19 in Indigenous communities

Tom Jackson loves you.
You might think that’s funny or that he’s just being smart but he’s not. It’s his promise to you. And for Jackson, who has been part of the Canadian consciousness through his work in television, film, and music for decades, love is what we need right now.

5 reasons why everyone should wear a lifejacket

Know your breaststroke from your front crawl? Think you’d be fine if you found yourself unexpectedly swimming in open water? Every year, even great swimmers drown so here’s a few reasons why everyone, even strong swimmers, need to wear a lifejacket or personal flotation device (PFD).

Community grant aids support to Arabic immigrants and refugees during COVID-19

Using funds provided by the Canadian Red Cross to help non-profits provide frontline services during COVID-19, ICS has organized food box distributions in cities across Ontario. The organization will reach 2,000 people, including the Kharfan family who received a food box during the first distribution in London. Hear their story:

Adapting the Indigenous Swimming and Water Safety program for COVID-19

When Lesley-Anne Morley took on leadership of the Indigenous Swimming and Water Safety program for the Canadian Red Cross in 2014, she never imagined that, years later, she would be adapting the program for a global pandemic.

Using video to address domestic violence in Newfoundland - Labrador

Content note: This story contains discussions on domestic violence that may be upsetting to some.
Elizabeth (not her real name) is a survivor. Of emotional, mental, and physical abuse. By her former boyfriend. It’s people in situations like Elizabeth’s that “Violence Prevention Avalon East” in Newfoundland and Labrador is trying to reach. An alliance of community and government agencies, it is dedicated to ending violence in homes and communities.

Community grant helps centre for young immigrants stay open during COVID-19

The Francophone Association of Brooks is working hard to continue programming amidst the pandemic, thanks to the Government of Canada’s Emergency Support for Community Organizations granting program.

How taking the Canadian Red Cross Psychological First Aid course helped me

Jamie recently shared a post on her social media about taking our psychological first aid course and how much it helped her, especially with her own mental health. We asked her if she would share her story with us (and you) to hopefully help others, and this is what she wrote.

Thousands Zoom into virtual stress management sessions

As kids adapted to the new virtual ‘classroom,’ a Zoom visit by Red Cross Ambassador, Saskatchewan Roughrider Dan Clark, was a welcome chance to chat about dealing with stress for a group of Yorkton, SK students.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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