Preparedness (Page 31)

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Photo of the Day: First Aid training in Turkmenistan

@ For many years, the Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan has been one of the major providers of healthcare in Turkmenistan. With support from the British Red Cross, the Community-Based Health and First Aid (CBHFA) program has been advocating...

Canadian Red Cross celebrates strength and spirit at Moose Cree First Nation office

The Canadian Red Cross celebrates the opening of the first Red Cross office in a First Nation community in Ontario. The first programs to operate from the satellite office will be education around disaster management and violence and abuse prevention...

Dispatch from Haiti: Recovery continues three years on

Guest entry by Cindy Fuchs, Provincial Director, Saskatchewan [slideshow] Last month I was given the opportunity to visit Haiti to see the progress of the Canadian Red Cross work there. It was quite an eye opening experience for me. During my 2...

Volunteer Spotlight: Brenda McCarrell

There may only be 24 hours in a day, but this multi-tasker knows how to make the most of them. In addition to owning and running a cash crop farm, running her own businesses, and volunteering as a director of a seniors' residence, Brenda McCa...

Year in Review: 2012 in Blogs

With 2012 drawing to a close, we are all starting to look back and reflect on the year past. What did we resolve to do? What did we accomplish? All last year, we blogged about various topics – from the serious to the more quirky and light-he...

Food Friday: Fondue, FonDON'T!

Last week we were talking about Red Cross Holiday Traditions and we received a great story about a tradition-gone-wrong from Red Crosser Joan Savoie in Ontario. Joan’s family gathers together every year on Christmas Eve to relax and exchange gifts...

Food Friday: Disaster fruitcake

Is your disaster kit ready for the end of the world today? An important part of any disaster kit is food. In a real disaster it could take days or weeks before emergency responders are able to reach you. During this festive time of year, we like ...

Volunteer Spotlight: Frank Draper receives Diamond Jubilee medal from the Canadian Red Cross

Timmins volunteer Frank Draper has served the Red Cross for 57 years, starting in 1955 after he served in the medical branch of the Air Force. He started volunteering as a First Aid instructor, then got involved in Disaster Management, served on ...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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