Preparedness (Page 30)

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Tech Talk: Rethinking the map to predict pandemics

Spring break is rapidly approaching in many provinces, and for some families, that means air travel. Visions of sand, surf and sun abound, but what are you inadvertently bringing home from vacation? Scientists who study epidemics have long known t...

First aid never takes a vacation

Guest entry by Kristopher Tharris, Coordinator, Learning @ Development, First Aid Flip flops, sunscreen, beach reads....and a first aid kit! Many Canadians escape winter this time of year to a sunny destination. For me this meant two weeks in b...

Harlem Shakers in need of some CPR training!

Have you seen the latest viral dance craze since Gangnam Style? The Harlem Shake is dominating YouTube with videos from Canadian universities, comic characters, and even cute animals getting in on the action. We spotted someone trying CPR moves as pa...

Photo of the Day: Using makeup to learn First Aid

Nope, this gruesome look isn't a result of a zombie apocalypse or an unfortunate Valentine's Day accident. It's all part of learning First Aid at the Red Cross. Kaysha Edwards, Canadian Red Cross First Aid Program Representative in Alberta, us...

First Aid for Valentine’s Day

So you’ve prepared a memorable evening to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart, but have you really thought of everything? Even when your horoscope predicts the perfect evening, it only takes a few seconds to transform your romantic evening...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. Syria: At least 3,000 volunteers are actively involved in aid operations for the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, and approximately 10,000 volunte...

Are you ready for another winter wallop?

Groundhog predictions notwithstanding (Wiarton Willie may have gotten it wrong this year), friends in Ontario and Atlantic Canada are getting ready for another blast of winter.   As always, the Canadian Red Cross recommends you stay informed and f...

Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse

With the release of a zombie rom-com movie this weekend and AMC's The Walking Dead returning to our television screens shortly, we thought it might be a great time to share our zombie preparedness tips. Fuelled by a blog about zombies and emergen...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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