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Food Friday: The Survival Stove

It's been awhile since we posted a Food Friday blog! I just saw this posting by Robin Parker on the RedCrossPDX blog, and thought it was a perfect fit. Have a look:Prepare-aphernalia: The Survival StoveI'm not making that headline up. That's the actu...

Turning to social media in times of emergency

A few days ago, I accidentally locked myself out of my apartment while taking out the garbage (just a tad bit embarrassing). I had no keys, phone, or coat with me. My roommate Sara wasn’t home and I didn’t know her cell phone number by heart. I could...

You know what lots of snow means: Snow people!

Parts of southwestern Ontario are preparing to be hit by a winter storm, possibly bringing 20-30 cm of snow. And while that amount of snow will make it difficult to get around, there is no better way to spend a snow day than building a snowperson in ...

What to wear when it’s cold out there

 “I don’t know what to wear.” As a young woman, I admit this is a phrase that I have said on more than one occasion. However, this morning, with temperatures in Toronto reaching -21C, it had a whole other meaning – warmth was my main focus, not so...

Winter safety tips brought to you by “Disaster Dudette”

Snow. It can be so much fun. You can toboggan, ski, build snow people... the list is endless really. However, when a lot of snow falls at once, the white stuff can go from being fun to not so much fun. Last week, some areas around London had over ...

Red Cross prepares to deploy new field hospital

It looked like a scene out of the movie M*A*S*H in a field at the Brampton Powerade Centre, where a Canadian Red Cross field hospital has been stationed this past week. White tents donning Red Cross emblems were scattered across the field: one a s...

Halloween Red Cross style

It’s the time of the year again soon, when all the ghosts and goblins hit the streets for some trick or treats. But, there is no reason to put on a tired-old witch or ghost costume if you or your kids are unsure of what to be this Halloween. We ar...

British Red Cross launches new first aid campaign for youth

You‘re a teenager at a party having a good time, when your friend, who has had too much to drink, passes out.  What do you do? Our sister society, the British Red Cross, is tackling this issue by recently launching a campaign called “Life. Liv...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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