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Red Cross in action: How we are reaching people in Ukraine and surrounding countries

In times of humanitarian crisis, finding accurate details and facts can be challenging in a sea of information. Both misinformation and disinformation can put our Red Cross staff, volunteers, and the people we seek to help at risk. Here’s how the Red Cross is helping on the ground in Ukraine and surrounding region.

The Journey from Syria to Canada and the Canadian Red Cross

“My life as I was leaving Syria took the path of the unknown. I wasn’t sure what would happen next.” Read Ghufran Othman’s story about her journey from refugee to volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross. 

Tapping into local expertise to help people impacted by the conflict in Ukraine

It has now been almost two months since I packed my bags and headed to Europe to support the Red Cross response to the conflict in Ukraine. I can’t help but think of the millions of people who have also had to leave their homes, under very different circumstances, unsure of what they will eventually return to. The word “millions” doesn’t do these people justice. They aren’t just some anonymous number.

Creative fundraisers: The many ways Canadians are helping those in Ukraine and surrounding countries

Here are some amazing examples of how people across Canada have been moved to help in creative ways, using their interests and passions to raise money to help those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

Ukraine conflict: Red Cross provides much-needed support to people leaving the country

Canadian Kathy Mueller is currently working with the International Federation of Red Cross Societies as communications coordinator for the Ukraine humanitarian crisis; here, she shares her experiences.

The Red Cross is responding to meet the growing humanitarian needs in Ukraine and neighbouring countries

Millions of people are stranded in dire conditions across Ukraine, struggling to access food, water, electricity, medication, childcare supplies, and other basic necessities. Those who are fleeing - sometimes in pajamas - take whatever they can carry. Their needs, too, are immense.

How Canadians can help in a humanitarian crisis: Ukraine and surrounding countries

The conflict in Ukraine is having widespread and devastating humanitarian impacts. Thanks to the generosity of Canadians, the Red Cross can offer humanitarian assistance to people in Ukraine and surrounding countries.
Here are five of the most effective ways you can offer help right now.

Talking with children and youth about difficult things

We all know what we’re seeing in the news can be worrisome – even, at times, frightening. If we’re feeling worried or alarmed about what we’re seeing in the news as adults, imagine what kids and youth may be thinking. Here are some tips for talking with children and youth about distressing or traumatic events in the news.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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