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On thin ice

The cold water survival experiments by University of Manitoba professor and researcher Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht – dubbed Professor Popsicle – may seem a bit quirky, but cold water shock is no laughing matter. The ice on lakes and ponds in many parts ...

Students use creativity to fight bullying

*Guest blog from Janice Babineau, Canadian Red Cross communications coordinator in Atlantic Canada * [slideshow] Bullying can happen to anyone. That message was heard loud and clear on Friday when students, parents and even elected officials sh...

Winter safety tips brought to you by “Disaster Dudette”

Snow. It can be so much fun. You can toboggan, ski, build snow people... the list is endless really. However, when a lot of snow falls at once, the white stuff can go from being fun to not so much fun. Last week, some areas around London had over ...

PEI girl receives Rescuer Award for saving her cousin

A 7 year-old PEI girl has been recognized by the Red Cross with a Rescuer Award for her quick thinking. Keana Jeffrey was playing on a swing set at a family gathering on Aug. 15, when she heard splashing in a nearby inflatable pool. Her 2 year-old...

A new partnership to blog about

 * Guest blog by Red Crosser Melanie Goodchild-Southwind, Senior Manager, First Nations Projects. The Canadian Red Cross in Ontario is making great strides in the work we do with our First Nations communities. We wanted to share with you news abou...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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