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Family fun during a winter storm

If you make the wise decision to spend the day inside, here are some suggestions for activities that will keep the whole family busy:

Frostbite on New Year's Eve

Walking my kids to school every day, even during the winter, has taught me to always be mindful of the temperature outside. However, when something is done daily, it becomes routine, and complacency can set in. This is how I learned about frostbite.

Everybody freeze! Tips you should know for a safe polar bear plunge

As Canadians, we’ve learned to make the best of our cold, snowy winters. We’ve found many ways to keep ourselves entertained in the chilly winter months with activities like skiing, skating, snowshoeing and even swimming. You read that right - every winter, thousands of Canadians put on their bathing suits and take a dip in the icy waters, an activity called the Polar Bear Plunge.

Ice Safety: Know when it’s safe to play

The winter season brings many outdoor group and individual activities. Natural water bodies freeze over and become great recreational spaces for hockey, ice-skating and more. There is no such thing as 100 percent safe ice. However, precautions can be taken to reduce the risks.

6 gift ideas that show how much you care

If you are celebrating the holidays with gifts, consider giving meaningful gifts that could save a life, or make an emergency situation much more bearable for a loved one or even a stranger.
Whether driving in snowy winter conditions or just being ready for everyday first aid emergencies, here are some gift ideas that will be sure to make an impact with your loved ones.

4 tips to stay safe in-between seasons

As the colourful autumn leaves fall from the trees, it’s a reminder that another cold Canadian winter is well on its way. The transition from fall to winter comes with its own unique risks and hazards every Canadian should be aware of. Pour yourself a hot beverage and read the following tips to stay safe during this transition season.

My first time encountering winter in 'Winterpeg'

Three years ago, I encountered my first winter in Canada and to this day I still remember the very first snowflake that fell on my hand. It was magical. 

However, my fascination quickly turned into horror as I found myself walking through 20 cm deep snow embraced by the minus 30°C temperature. This is how my home city, Winnipeg, jolted me into the realities of winter. Or as Winnipeggers called it, ‘Winterpeg’.

Things to consider for spring break

It’s the time of year when many schools have a spring or March break and often families will take advantage of the time off to travel or get active. Whether it’s preparing to take a tropical trip or getting ready to entertain out-of-school youth, here are some tips to get ready.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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