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Songs from Haiti

Guest blog by Christine Hwang, Red Cross delegate to Haiti. Christine recently returned from a six-week mission to Haiti where she worked in a Red Cross hospital. [gallery columns="2"] The children are excited to see us.  “Pick me! Pick me!” th...

World's largest Red Cross

Just saw this very fun blog about a new world record in Norway for the world's largest Red Cross. Over 1,000 people wearing red ponchos were needed to make this! Red Cross in Oregon thinks this just might even be cooler than the world's largest sushi...

Some Red Cross facts for World Red Cross Day

May 8 is World Red Cross Red Crescent Day celebrating the good work the Movement does every day around the world. Why is today World Red Cross Red Crescent Day? Well, it is the birthday of Henry Dunant

Disaster Dining 101: All the ways you can cook Spam

[slideshow] I really like food. Seriously. Sometimes I think about what I am going to have for dinner while I am eating breakfast. So, when I was recently thinking about emergency preparedness my mind automatically went to food, and my favourite q...

Making sure your vehicle is ready

Driving along a remote portion of highway and your see your temperature gauge creeping higher and higher, steam coming out from under your hood, red lights on your dashboard.  You pull over to the side of the road in 30 degree heat.  Yep, you thought...

Prepare-aphernalia: The Backpack Couch

*Special thanks to our sister Society in Oregon, RedCrossPDX, for this awesome blog One common excuse people give for not having an emergency kit: "I have nowhere to put it." Okay, fair enough. Maybe you live in one of those adorable tin...

Tweeting about emergency preparedness

While the debate continues about the appropriate use of social media during an actual crisis, it seems that social media tools, such as Twitter, are generally proving to be important tools for disaster preparedness and awareness. I’ve been on ...

Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

Are you smarter than a 5th grader? We all should be when it comes to emergency preparedness!   Families have an advantage over other Canadians when it comes to emergency preparedness and public safety.  If you have kids, I can guarantee you t...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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