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Karma had nothing to do with it.

It's Red Cross National Lifejacket Day and we asked Women's Post Marie “Mings” Nicola (aka @karmacakedotca) to share with us her tales of sea squalls and lifejackets. Check out this guest blog: The time that I felt the most afraid was also the tim...

May long weekend + good weather = more boating!

The results are in! Red Cross National Lifejacket Day is coming on Thursday, just in time for the first long weekend of the summer season.  RedCrossTalk launched a poll on Twitter to find out whether you are putting on your life jacket. We’ll...

Red Cross volunteer featured in the Toronto Star

Good news today! Check out the Toronto Star  and you'll see a story about one of our own, Audrey Wilson. She's been a Red Cross volunteer for 54 years and on Thursday she will receive the Order of the Red Cross. It’s the highest honour given without ...

CD wants to bring hope to Haiti

Following the earthquake in Haiti, many groups of concerned individuals have started fundraising initiatives in support of Red Cross relief and recovery efforts. I want to introduce you to one of these projects: “Hope for Haiti CD”. The artist on ...

More Red Cross Recipes - introducing "Survivor Sushi"

I was hoping that my recent dinner party for Emergency Preparedness Week would spark some discussions. It did and then some! I have spoken to so many people about preparing for an emergency, eating during an emergency and just eating in general that ...

Lifejacket safety poll

National Life Jacket Safety Day is coming up on May 20, so we thought we'd do this quick little poll to see how many people are wearing life jackets when they're on the water. Give us a hand! Take two seconds and place your vote here: http://twtpo...

Red Cross Toronto Region wins award for being green and healthy

Using environmentally friendly products and working up a sweat at a weekly yoga class helped Red Cross Toronto Region staff and volunteers make themselves and their environment healthier this past year. So much so that Toronto Region recently won ...

New Red Cross agreement with the Pickering Fire Services

On May 5th, the Canadian Red Cross and Pickering Fire Services signed a Memorandum of Agreement during a ceremony at the Pickering Fire Services Headquarters.  With the agreement, the Canadian Red Cross Personal Disaster Assistance program in Durha...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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