Volunteers (Page 33)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about our network of volunteers at home and abroad

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Alberta Floods: Red Cross continues to respond from coast to coast

A week ago today, the Canadian Red Cross began responding to the flooding in Alberta. Immediately after the disaster, Red Cross staff and volunteers from across the country joined efforts and began to support hundreds of thousands of people affec...

Photo Blog: Red Cross reaching out in Alberta communities

  All week, Red Cross volunteers have been reaching out in communities affected by flooding in southern Alberta. Yesterday, a Red Cross team went to Sunnyside, a neighbourhood in Calgary and found residents actively cleaning up homes and helping o...

Dispatch from flooding response in Calgary

Many people are still out of their homes in Calgary and some 300 of them spent Saturday night at the Southland Leisure Centre. Volunteers from a variety of agencies all worked together to meet the needs of the evacuees. Canadian Red Cross voluntee...

Update on flooding response in Alberta

Canadian Red Cross volunteers are continuing to respond to significant flooding affecting thousands of people in Alberta. They are busy distributing supplies such as cots, blankets and other items. Volunteers are also supporting 10 shelters for evacu...

Photo of the Day: Welcoming summer in Nova Scotia

Volunteers from the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia sported Red Cross vests, PFDs and even the Buckles mascot outfit as they took part in the annual Apple Blossom Festival parade earlier this month. After all the fun was over, the vests needed...

Photo of the day: Alberta volunteer receives Red Cross' highest honour

Guest entry by Calli Forbes, Communications in Alberta Last week, volunteer Mary-Jane Dawson was awarded the Canadian Red Cross' highest honour, the Order of the Red Cross, for her outstanding humanitarian service, dedication, and achievement....

Photo of the Day: 24 years of service and still going strong

Guest entry by James Park, Assistant Communications Coordinator in BC Nobody can deny Alvina’s Berggren's dedication to serving the community and working to improve the lives of the vulnerable. Her 24 years of tirelessly volunteering for the Canad...

From cyber-bullying victim to young humanitarian of the year!

It’s not every full-time university student who devotes as much time as Alisha Virmani does going to bat for victims of bullying.  She was in Halifax recently at the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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