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Emergency Preparedness Week is coming - time to save your fanny!

If you follow this blog often enough, you know that Red Crossers love all things having to do with first aid and disaster preparedness. Well, now we’ve found a way that we can all wear our love for safety – a fanny pack! That’s right! Fanny packs. ...

How to decorate your home – the Red Cross way

[slideshow] There’s no question that many of us who work at the Red Cross bring our work home with us – you never do know when a disaster will happen. But, since joining Pinterest a few weeks ago, I’ve realized that many people literally bring the...

Stamp collecting with a Red Cross twist

Did you know that nearly every country in the world has produced Red Cross stamps at one time or another? It’s just one of the fascinating aspects of stamp collecting that’s allowed volunteer Cheryl Grantham to combine two passions: stamps and the Re...

Disaster robots – need we say more?

The American Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently announced that it’s challenging tech-geeks to invent a new robot to help respond during emergencies. To sweeten the deal, the designer of the winning robot will receive a whoppin...

Don’t worry, be happy, and help your heart

Staying positive is not just good for your frame of mind but possibly also your heart. The Harvard School of Public Health recently reviewed more than 200 studies and found that staying upbeat appears to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease a...

A disaster lives on

In Halifax, there’s a lot of interest this week around the 100th anniversary of one of the largest maritime disasters in our region, the sinking of the Titanic off the Atlantic coast. It's part of the city's history, as cable ships were dispatched fr...

Violence in disasters

Violence during and after disasters not only causes injury, trauma and death, but also undermines hope, trust and self-worth in individuals and communities. The Canadian Red Cross is working to change this. Predictable, Preventable, a report by...

Red Cross wins a prestigious radio ad award

We have some very exciting news that we wanted to share with you. This afternoon, the Canadian Red Cross and Bell Media won a Crystal Award for their “Just Seconds” Public Service Announcement. The Crystal Awards are part of Canadian Music Week, w...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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