First Aid (Page 24)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about First Aid and CPR

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Enjoy the outdoors with 8 safety tips from Red Cross

As Canadians prepare to open their cottages or go camping this long weekend, we want to share these top Red Cross tips to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable trip.

A healthy place to shop in more ways than one

Whole Foods grocery stores are a great place to shop if you are focusing on your health. But a team of employees from the Mississauga location took “being healthy” to a whole new level when they saved the life of a co-worker last summer.

They say timing is everything

Last fall, Brian Andrade and his wife, Chantelle Lavallee, took a first aid training course in preparation for the birth of their baby; and it’s a good thing he paid attention. What Brian couldn’t have known at the time was that a month after taking the training, he’d have to use it to save the life of Chantelle when she collapsed 13 days after delivering their baby. Had it not been for Brian’s immediate response, Chantelle would not have survived.

Tech savvy toddler saves mom's life

Their hands are small, but don’t let their size fool you. Kids save lives too, in some cases with the help of technology we use every day. 

Bentley Toone may be just barely out of diapers, but this two-year-olds swift action helped save his mother’s life. 

First Aid For a common Canadian sticky situation

As Canadians, we all know of at least one incident when someone stuck their tongue to a metal object in winter. It’s not uncommon, especially for children. As we age, we understand wet lips or other parts of the body can stick to metal objects and removal can be quite painful. Here are some steps to take if you find your child, or any other, in this situation.

What's Clint Eastwood's superpower? Abdominal thrusts.

Clint Eastwood is a force to be reckoned with, known for his acting, directing and now...abdominal thrusting. While the world was recovering from the Super Bowl and preparing for the start of the Sochi Olympics, Clint Eastwood was using his first aid skills to save a life. When the director of a local golf tournament began to choke on a piece of cheese, the film icon sprung into action, performing three textbook-perfect abdominal thrusts to save his friend.

First aid for the big game

Super Bowl Sunday is fast approaching, and we’re alerting you to some potential emergency situations that may require first aid during the game.

Polar vortex and frost quakes, oh my!

We’re barely into January and this winter season has already left us yearning for tropical getaways and the relatively balmy days of spring.
Terms like frost quakes and polar vortex are being tossed about in the media to explain what we’ve been experiencing. These phenomena are not new, but what exactly are they?

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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