First Aid (Page 21)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about First Aid and CPR

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Training First Nations first responders in B.C.

Medical help can sometimes be far away if you’re living in rural and remote First Nations communities in British Columbia. In the past, getting on-call emergency assistance to people in need could be a major challenge. The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is working with the Canadian Red Cross to change that.

Your summer safety guide

It’s summertime! While we all race outdoors to enjoy everything warm weather brings, it’s good to be prepared to safely enjoy summer activities.  Whether you’re enjoying swimming, boating, sports, hikes, or beaches, stock up on Canadian Red Cross tips and resources to stay safe.

Turning prep time into rescue time

It was an ordinary Tuesday for middle school teacher Deborah, but in a matter of seconds that all changed. By chance, Deborah was walking by the lunch room where Mike, a colleague, had been eating lunch. The pizza that he was eating had become lodged in his throat and Deborah quickly recognized that he was choking.

Photo of the Day: The cycle of life

The Red Cross uses many different ways to provide assistance in countries around the world. In this case, bikes! In March, a ceremony took place to mark the donation of 50 bicycles and first aid kits from the Chinese Red Cross to its Senegalese counterpart.

First aid makes a difference in the workplace and at home

As a paramedic, I recently responded to a call in a local store for a female who may have been having a seizure. When I entered the store, staff greeted me at the door and guided me several aisles down to a female lying on her side on the floor. Store staff had already redirected customers away from the scene while another staff member was down by the injured woman’s side, keeping her calm.

Smart packing tips for March break

Not sure how March break came around so fast this year. It was just February and the polar vortex aka “Canadian Winter” engulfed most of the country. Yet here it is finally – the time of year I look most forward to – when I escape the grey of Canada and go south with my family. 
To help me focus on packing I had to make a list so I didn’t forget anything. There’s the easy stuff – shorts, swimsuits, t-shirts, sunscreen. But how many pairs of flip flops is too many?

Red Cross Babysitting Course equips kids for a lifetime

With March Break around the corner, parents may be looking for activities to engage their youth. If your kid is of age (11-15 years old), consider a Red Cross babysitting course to equip your child with qualities needed in caring for others.

First Aid app to the rescue

Just recently I was vacationing in South America, waiting at a very busy bus station when I noticed a woman had dropped to the ground. I couldn’t tell for certain what had happened, but I understood there was a medical emergency. The first thing that popped into my head was: ‘what if she needs CPR?  I may be able to help.’

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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