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ICRC update on South Sudan

This week, the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Peter Maurer went to South Sudan to assess how to assist people who are affected by the latest conflict.

Since the outbreak of violence in mid December, thousands have died or have been wounded, and tens of thousands of people have fled their homes fearing for their lives.

Delegate Profile: Denyse Bourgault working in the Philippines

Denyse had always wanted to do humanitarian work but the opportunity didn’t present itself until a few years ago, after she raised her two kids and the Canadian Red Cross began deploying psychosocial support delegates after the Haiti earthquake.

Haiti was Denyse’s first mission with the Red Cross. Since then she’s been back to Haiti a second time to provide psychosocial support during a cholera outbreak, and to Pakistan to provide that same support after a flood. Her latest deployment  as a member of the Emergency Response Unit (ERU) has taken her to the Philippines, to help out after Typhoon Haiyan.  

Polar vortex and frost quakes, oh my!

We’re barely into January and this winter season has already left us yearning for tropical getaways and the relatively balmy days of spring.
Terms like frost quakes and polar vortex are being tossed about in the media to explain what we’ve been experiencing. These phenomena are not new, but what exactly are they?

How Red Cross works in local emergencies

In a disaster or emergency, local government and agencies can call on the Canadian Red Cross to help support the affected community by addressing their immediate needs. In a disaster, a community or family's resources can be depleted rather quickly without the support of agencies like the Red Cross...

Handy Chart: Cold vs. Flu

So you’ve been feeling yucky. You might be wondering if it’s a cold or the dreaded flu that is the culprit for your cough, sniffles, and runny nose. Well, it might not bring much relief at this point, but hopefully this chart will help determine the root of your virus, and treatment approaches can differ depending on which you have. The Red Cross would like to remind all our readers that the best way to prevent both a cold and the flu is to wash your hands regularly, cover coughs and sneezes, and get the flu shot.

Photo Update: Warming centres in Ontario

The Canadian Red Cross continues to support shelters and warming centres in six municipalities across Ontario. Over 400 people spent the night in Red Cross shelters or warming centres last night.

Spending the holidays in a Toronto shelter

Many Torontonians who have been without power since the weekend will be spending the holidays in shelters set up across the city.

Photo of the Day: Labron and his grandmother spend the holidays at a warming centre


Labron lost his mom a few years ago and lives with his grandmother in a high-rise building that lost power and heat. She called 911 for help to get down the apartment stairs after two cold days. Police brought them to the Agincourt Community Center where the Red Cross has been operating a warming center.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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