ICRC update on South Sudan

This week, the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Peter Maurer went to South Sudan to assess how to assist people who are affected by the latest conflict.

Since the outbreak of violence in mid December, thousands have died or have been wounded, and tens of thousands of people have fled their homes fearing for their lives.

While he was there, Peter Maurer visited a site for the displaced in Awerial, in the centre of South Sudan, where many are struggling to survive.

There he met a lady by the name of Adonding who has been in the camp for three weeks and has been living in the same clothes, which are the only clothes she has. "I ran in these clothes for my life.  My baby left in these clothes too," she explained.

The ICRC has provided 30,000 people at this site with basic items such as cooking items, blankets, tarpaulins and a two-week food supply, however more needs to be done.

During his visit, Mr. Maurer also went to the northern town of Bentiu and the hospital which ICRC has been supporting. The ICRC has also been providing hospitals in the country with urgently needed supplies of clean water, wound-dressing kits and medicine to treat people in Juba, Bentiu and Malakal.

Mr. Maurer also met government officials in Juba. The ICRC is calling on all parties to respect international humanitarian law, avoid civilian casualties and allow people to reach health-care facilities safely.

The ICRC is currently appealing for more funds to help people in South Sudan. Visit the ICRC to learn more about the ICRC's commitment to addressing humanitarian needs in South Sudan.

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