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Working against complacency: Windsor man completes Ebola aid mission

It’s hard to imagine what it’s like to work in an Ebola treatment centre. Most Canadian Red Cross aid workers try to anticipate what they will see and experience on a day-to-day basis but quickly realize that the experience is not what they thought it would be. Nikola Latinovic, an aid worker from Windsor, Ontario, found this to be the case during his four-week mission in Kono, Sierra Leone.

Students from University of Ottawa win moot

A group of law students from the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law won the 2nd annual Clara Barton Moot last week. The moot which was put on and hosted by the American Red Cross tested the participants’ knowledge of International Humanitarian Law.

We're celebrating March is Red Cross Month

Did you know the month of March is proclaimed as Red Cross Month? Every year, the Canadian Red Cross observes Red Cross month in March and honours the efforts undertaken by the Red Cross Movement to fulfill the humanitarian mission of the organization as a whole.

Share your Words Against Ebola

Hope, solidarity, dignity, knowledge, love, compassion. These words have been crucial in supporting the communities affected by the Ebola outbreak. And these words have inspired a new Red Cross Red Crescent campaign called Words Against Ebola.

Lessons learned at International Humanitarian Law conference

How relevant is international humanitarian law in modern conflicts? This depends on whether the laws are applied and respected. It’s also important to remember that “laws of war” are constantly changing.

These are a few of the perspectives presented recently at the second annual International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Conference held at the University of Calgary. 

Photos: Cyclone Pam causes extensive destruction in Vanuatu

Thousands of people have been affected after Cyclone Pam, a category 5 storm, made landfall in Port Vila, Vanuatu, on Friday, March 13. This was the strongest tropical storm to make landfall since Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines in November 2013. 

Smart packing tips for March break

Not sure how March break came around so fast this year. It was just February and the polar vortex aka “Canadian Winter” engulfed most of the country. Yet here it is finally – the time of year I look most forward to – when I escape the grey of Canada and go south with my family. 
To help me focus on packing I had to make a list so I didn’t forget anything. There’s the easy stuff – shorts, swimsuits, t-shirts, sunscreen. But how many pairs of flip flops is too many?

3 tips to help kids overcome the fear of water

As warmer weather approaches, we start to think about pools, beaches, and open water. Although swimming can provide hours of endless fun, it can also be feared. Follow these three simple tips to help your children enjoy the water. 

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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