Share your Words Against Ebola

Hope, solidarity, dignity, knowledge, love, compassion. These words have been crucial in supporting the communities affected by the Ebola outbreak. And these words have inspired a new Red Cross Red Crescent campaign called Words Against Ebola.

On Monday, March 23, we’ll mark one year since the Ebola outbreak was declared in West Africa. From the outset, the Red Cross has been working to stop the outbreak, providing medical care, education and awareness, dignified burials and other forms of support. The fight isn’t over but there are signs of hope.

We’re inviting you, our friends, supporters and donors, to show your support for people involved in this fight, including the survivors, our dedicated Ebola fighters, and entire communities affected by this outbreak.
  1. Choose your Word Against Ebola
  2. Print out a sign (PDF) – or make your own
  3. Take a selfie!
  4. Share your support on social media using #WordsAgainstEbola
Kathy Mueller with her Word Against Ebola

Kathy Mueller, a Canadian currently working with the IFRC in Africa, shares her #WordsAgainstEbola.

To date, 44 highly trained Canadian Red Cross aid workers have deployed to Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. Our delegates include: nurses, doctors, psychosocial support workers, infectious disease prevention and control, as well as technicians, logisticians, communications specialists, and water and sanitation experts.
Words are powerful. Canadian Red Cross aid workers have written moving stories about their experiences on Ebola missions throughout the past year, inspiring others to join the fight and generous Canadians to donate.

Now it’s your turn to share your words.

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