Emergency Preparedness (Page 25)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross to learn more about emergency and disaster preparedness

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First Aid for Valentine’s Day

So you’ve prepared a memorable evening to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart, but have you really thought of everything? Even when your horoscope predicts the perfect evening, it only takes a few seconds to transform your romantic evening...

Are you ready for another winter wallop?

Groundhog predictions notwithstanding (Wiarton Willie may have gotten it wrong this year), friends in Ontario and Atlantic Canada are getting ready for another blast of winter.   As always, the Canadian Red Cross recommends you stay informed and f...

Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse

With the release of a zombie rom-com movie this weekend and AMC's The Walking Dead returning to our television screens shortly, we thought it might be a great time to share our zombie preparedness tips. Fuelled by a blog about zombies and emergen...

Canadian Red Cross celebrates strength and spirit at Moose Cree First Nation office

The Canadian Red Cross celebrates the opening of the first Red Cross office in a First Nation community in Ontario. The first programs to operate from the satellite office will be education around disaster management and violence and abuse prevention...

Tech Talk: Feeling the flu? There's an app for that! 

With the early onset of flu season this year, many Canadians' immune systems have been caught off guard. So what does the technologically-inclined Red Crosser do when they feel the onset of flu symptoms? When chicken soup won't cut it (and when you a...

Year in Review: 2012 in Blogs

With 2012 drawing to a close, we are all starting to look back and reflect on the year past. What did we resolve to do? What did we accomplish? All last year, we blogged about various topics – from the serious to the more quirky and light-he...

Food Friday: Fondue, FonDON'T!

Last week we were talking about Red Cross Holiday Traditions and we received a great story about a tradition-gone-wrong from Red Crosser Joan Savoie in Ontario. Joan’s family gathers together every year on Christmas Eve to relax and exchange gifts...

Food Friday: Disaster fruitcake

Is your disaster kit ready for the end of the world today? An important part of any disaster kit is food. In a real disaster it could take days or weeks before emergency responders are able to reach you. During this festive time of year, we like ...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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