Emergency Preparedness (Page 28)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross to learn more about emergency and disaster preparedness

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Trillium Resolve Disaster Training Exercise

This week in Ontario, the Canadian Red Cross is participating in an emergency training exercise called the Trillium Resolve. The Trillium Resolve is a disaster response exercise that simulates severe weather events to test the province’s ability ...

Tech Talk: How Toronto Police are using social media

Social media can play an important role in responding to emergency situations by allowing for timely communication of important facts and information. The Toronto Police Service recognizes the importance of being active on social platforms and has ...

Tech Talk: How the mayor of Iqaluit uses social media to dispel rumours

In an emergency, rumours and misinformation can make the difference between an informed public and a panicked one. Madeleine Redfern, the mayor of Iqaluit, uses social media to ensure her community has the correct information they need in emergency...

Tech Talk: Canadian survey on social media in emergencies

The Canadian Red Cross commissioned Ipsos Reid to conduct a survey to find out what Canadians think about social media use in emergencies. We’re eager to share the results, as it’s the first survey of its kind in Canada and it can help us better unde...

Oppa Red Cross Preparedness Style

Inspired by the Gangnam Style craze that has infected the Internet, courtesy of this song by South Korean artist Psy, an American Red Cross-er was inspired to create this Red Cross Preparedness Style photo. And while we couldn’t find any Red Cro...

Tech Talk: American Red Cross release Earthquake app

The American Red Cross have released another mobile application to help Americans #beready for a disaster. The Earthquake app helps users prepare their family and home for earthquakes including how to prepare an emergency kit and what to do during ...

Tech Talk: The City of Jacksonville prepared for hurricane season with a new app

The City of Jacksonville has launched their first mobile application to keep local residents informed and help them prepare for emergencies in their city. The app, called JaxReady, was developed by the city at no cost to taxpayers and is offered ...

Are your pets prepared for an emergency?

We always emphasize the importance of having an emergency plan and kit for you and your family, but part of being prepared for an emergency is also having a plan in place to help protect your furry loved ones. The Canadian Red Cross wants to h...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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