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Food Friday: Gobble Gobble!

Gobble Gobble!  Yep, it’s that time of year again. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, we thought we’d check in with what special plans Red Crossers have and what is on their menu for the holiday this Monday. One thing is for certain, Re...

Fire Safety Week: Are you ready for a fire?

Guest entry by Common Cents Mom blogger Hollie Pollard It is Fire Safety Week, and every time I think of fire safety, I am taken back to that June night in Hamilton, Ontario, when a fast moving fire burned the thirty-unit complex that I lived next t...

Photo of the Day: Innovative way to deliver aid in Syria

Syrian Arab Red Crescent volunteers have come up with an innovative way to distribute aid in hard to access areas in Syria.  Today’s photo of the day shows Mohammed using a horse and cart to deliver food parcels to affected families. Every day...

#CRCSyria - Join the Red Cross for a Twitter chat

Join us on Twitter Thursday, Oct. 3 at noon ET for a live Twitter chat on the Syria crisis. The Canadian Red Cross is hosting this chat to raise awareness about the humanitarian disaster. The conflict in Syria and the resulting massive refugee inf...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. KENYA: The Kenya Red Cross Society was among the first to respond after an attack by an armed group at the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairob...

Award winning team marks decade of emergency response in Nova Scotia

Guest entry by James Sedgewick, disaster management associate, Canadian Red Cross in Nova Scotia This September marks a decade of emergency response for a special team of Canadian Red Cross volunteers in Nova Scotia. While Red Cross volunteers did...

Learning first aid an empowering experience

Guest post by Sandra Brunner, a member of the Canadian Red Cross Social Team and a Red Cross digital volunteer I recently had to update my CPR/AED skills to include infants, as I was teaching mom and baby Pilates classes. I thought it would also b...

Photo of the day: all wound up for a disaster

We are always encouraging people to be Red Cross Ready for emergencies and disasters; in fact, we even have a Disaster Preparedness Calculator Facebook app for just that purpose! In Saskatchewan we work closely with Stantec and recently helped...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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