Global Administrator (Page 13)

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To reach the most vulnerable, especially vulnerable people must be remembered

The moments, days, and years following a disaster or emergency will be felt differently by each person who was affected. Some groups of people are more vulnerable to the impacts of these events than others – recognizing those unique vulnerabilities is an important part of preparing for, and responding to disasters and emergencies. The Canadian Red Cross is working with partner National Societies and the IFRC to help ensure the needs of the most vulnerable are met during times of emergencies and disasters.

Bill and Paula Green: Making a difference together

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, read about Bill and Paula Green, who have been married for 32 years and have volunteered together with the Canadian Red Cross for 11. 

Protecting children from violence through education in Sri Lanka

After a devastating tsunami in 2004, survivors had many needs – one that emerged in Sri Lanka was the need for child protection.

Improving access to water means improving the lives of women and girls in rural Pakistan

From February 4-10 it’s International Development Week, and we’re highlighting some of the work being done to help build more resilient communities around the world. This project in Pakistan is assisting communities in getting access to one of our biggest needs – water. 

Everything you need to know about the Africa food insecurity crisis

In 2018, the food insecurity crisis that is impacting millions of people in parts of Africa is expected to continue. Learn what is happening, who is being affected, and what is being done to help. 

How Red Cross supports mental health in emergencies and beyond

When a disaster strikes, the Canadian Red Cross quickly mobilizes to meet people’s basic needs: shelter, food, clothing, registration and so on. But there’s another aspect of the Red Cross response that’s perhaps not as well-known, but is equally important to the people impacted by the disaster:  our work to support psychosocial wellbeing in times of crisis and through the long recovery phase after disasters.

In photos: Supplies distribution in Hakimpara Camp, Bangladesh

Recently the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Bangladesh received much needed hygiene kits, thanks to support from the Government of Canada. The kits were distributed to people in Hakimpara Camp, Bangladesh. 

How to host the perfect dinner party without power

I live in the countryside where power outage happens quite often, especially in wintertime. I love to have friends and family over; actually this house is made to throw dinner parties! So when I invite people over, I don’t want an annoying power outage to force me to cancel at the last minute! Here are a few tips for an unforgettable party without power. 

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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