There isn’t a single factor that will put someone at risk of violence before and during and after a disaster. A combination of underlying issues, like inequalities can be amplified after a disaster and have the potential to increase the risk of gender-based violence in some contexts.
Felipe Delcid is the Americas Continental Operational Coordinator with the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC). With support from the Canadian Red Cross, and the Government of Canada, Felipe helped to facilitate workshops in Guatemala and Panama on Gender and Diversity in emergencies and addressing gender-based violence. The workshop in Panama specifically, was to familiarize key staff who work in Disaster Management with the minimum standard commitments to Gender and Diversity in emergency programming and it was attended also by members of the reference centre for institutional preparedness (CREPD) and the staff of the CERA initiative (Capacity Building for Emergency Response in the Americas).
"The goal of these workshops is to identify the actions that are already being taken in the region and to establish the base at the regional level to take a more gender responsive approach in supporting gender and diversity approaches during an emergency response.” Felipe said.
“It is important to plan for including this work before disasters hit”, Felipe explained, "Women and men, boys and girls of all ages have different needs and different vulnerabilities. All our actions should include a gender and diversity approach not only during an emergency, but also well before and after. Implementing relief operations with a gender perspective allows humanitarian workers, volunteers, and communities to address the needs of people according to their specific requirements, respecting health status, social status, ethnicity and more. "
Besides workshops, Felipe said part of this work includes strengthening partner national Red Cross societies’ capacity at the local level to make sure those responding to disasters and emergencies have an awareness of gender-based violence and diversity, and how it impacts people, liaising this approach with protection principles such as do no harm.
Felipe noted that after people took part in the workshop they left with a mindfulness that, "it does not take millions of dollars to have gender-based violence and diversity aware approaches. What is needed is some time, willingness, motivation, and having leaders be familiarized with those needs so they can plan their responses. "