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Bringing water and hope to remote communities in Nepal

Gathering water in remote Nepal was already a challege, but after the devestating earthquake in 2015 it only became more difficult. Read how the Red Cross is helping bring water closer to remote communities.

Three years after the earthquake, the Red Cross remains on the ground in Nepal

Three years after a massive earthquake hit Nepal, the Canadian Red Cross remains on the ground with a focus on improving health in communities that were impacted by the disaster. See their work in action. 

Everyone Counts: new report on Red Cross and Red Crescent activities worldwide

Where in the world did people receive help from the Movement in 2016? A new report published by IFRC can tell you exactly where. The report gathers data from 190 National Societies worldwide, and offers insights into humanitarian and societal trends such as spontaneous volunteering; how volunteer numbers rise and then stabilize following a major disaster, and how indicators are affected by sociodemographic factors such as population size and the Human Development Index.

Coping with crisis: After tragic events

Tragic events, like the bus accident which resulted in multiple deaths and injuries to the Humboldt Broncos hockey team can leave us feeling  helpless, confused, angry, or worried. It is difficult to understand why things like this happen, or what it means for the future. In times like this, it is important for people to connect with each other, and support one another. Here are some tips. 

Six months after Hurricane Maria, Dominica continues to recover

Six months ago, Hurricane Maria hit Dominica hard. The Category 5 hurricane brought torrential rain and winds of up to 250 kilometers per hour. Nearly the entire island was destroyed. Today, those impacted by the storm are working with the Red Cross to rebuild and recover. 

Putting training to the test during a complex response in Democratic Republic of Congo

This would be a challenging response, but it was also a response that the DRC Red Cross had been trained for as part of the Capacity Strengthening for Emergency Response in Africa initiative – now it was time to put their training into action. 

Enter a child’s room in a city at war

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has launched an augmented reality application that immerses you in the reality of war through the eyes of a child.

Max the dog to the rescue

Guy Lozeau will never forget the night of October 11, 2011. He remembers pushing away his dog Max, who was desperately trying to wake him up. Thick black smoke was already filling the apartment, but the hum from the air conditioning was covering up the sound of the smoke detectors.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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