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Is your pet ready for a disaster?

If a disaster or emergency were to hit today, would your pet be ready? Take our quiz to see if your emergency plan is up to the task of keeping your dog, cat or other animals safe in an emergency. 

Why I insist my son learn how to swim

Becoming a mom has led me to reflect on my own childhood, my relationship with water and my experiences learning to swim. Now I’m seeing my own 3-year-old son fearlessly jumping in the water, learning to swim and loving the beach as much as I did.

How four hours turned into a humanitarian innovation

Earlier in 2018, the Canadian Red Cross held the Social Innovation Challenge across the country where teams of young Canadians worked to create innovative solutions to support the Red Cross response in Bangladesh - read about the winning solution. 

Caring for yourself and loved ones after tragic events

When events like the recent shooting in Toronto unfold, it can leave us feeling helpless, confused, angry, or afraid. Here are some tips for taking care of yourself and your loved ones during difficult times. 

How Red Cross works with Indigenous communities in emergencies and beyond

To mark National Indigenous Peoples Day, we wanted to share some of the ways Red Cross is working in partnership with Indigenous communities across the country, in response to disasters as well as through programs to promote preparedness, safety, and wellbeing.

More than ever, Canadians are turning to tech during disasters

63 per cent of Canadians have experienced an emergency or disaster, and the average number of disasters have doubled in the last 30 years. According to a new survey, when a disaster or emergency hits, Canadians are turning online for services, support, and up-to-date information. 

Do robots know the rules of war? Autonomous weapons and the future battlefield

Robots fighting wars seems like something straight out of science fiction – but with modern technology this is becoming a reality. As technology rapidly advances, the idea that autonomous weapons could select and attack targets without humans making the final targeting decisions has left the realm of science fiction into a future that is very possible.

After a devastating tropical storm, he dropped everything to return to work with the Red Cross

When a devastating tropical storm swept villages out to sea and killed hundreds of people in his Philippine city, Al Madale just knew he needed to return to Red Cross.

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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