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QUIZ: What Kind of Physical Distancer Are You?

Canadians across the country are  physical distancing in different ways. Take this quiz and learn what kind of distancer you are and find some resources for your physical and mental wellness.

In sickness and in health: A look at the Canadian Red Cross legacy for World Red Cross Day

The Canadian Red Cross has been helping Canadians since 1896. This World Red Cross Day, we take a look back at its long legacy of relief, hope, and comfort for people in Canada and abroad.

Checking in to stay connected during COVID-19

During a typical disaster, Red Cross volunteers would check on how someone is coping through a face-to-face visit, however, in keeping with COVID-19 physical distancing requirements, teams are currently doing daily check-ins by phone. In Saskatchewan, volunteers have already made more than 200 wellness check phone calls to people with vulnerabilities being supported in self-isolation.

Living on an island during a disaster

Have you ever wondered what living on an island is like? On Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, living on an island is reality for myself and the rest of the population of 2,360 people. When you are isolated, you have no other choice but to pitch in. Most people wear multiple hats in the community. The rule of survival is to help your neighbours, friends, and family. 

After quarantine, a letter to say thank you

After returning to Canada following their time aboard The Grand Princess Cruise ship, Linda and her husband Wray, spent 14 days at Canadian Forces Base Trenton in quarantine. Now returned home, Linda took a moment to send a letter sharing her experiences. 

Setting up our field hospital to help in COVID-19 response

With the Red Cross since 2011, Sam Dueck has deployed as a technician with the Emergency Response Unit (ERU) to far away regions like Jordan, Sierra Leone, and Ecuador. His latest posting was much closer to home. He went to Vancouver to set up an alternative care site.

A look back: Five years of support to those impacted by the Nepal earthquake

Five years ago today, a devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, killing approximately 9,000 people and injuring more than 20,000. The earthquake destroyed over 600,000 homes, damaged healthcare facilities, destroyed crops and decimated livestock.

Grieving during a pandemic

Pandemic or no pandemic, one of the hardest things to go through in life is significant loss.
Grief is always difficult, but especially if you are alone or cannot be with a friend or family member. 

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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