National Volunteer Week Spotlight: Health Equipment Loan Program

National Volunteer Week is a time to celebrate and recognize the thousands of volunteers that make up 70 per cent of the workforce at the Canadian Red Cross.  

The Health Equipment Loan Program (HELP) is one of many volunteer-supported, community-based services made possible by the efforts of thousands of volunteers across Canada.  

A Red Cross personnel assessing and taking inventory of health equipment.The program provides free health equipment to individuals recovering from illness or injury and empowers people to live with independence and dignity. It also supports people in palliative care who wish to spend their final days in the comfort of their own home. 

Volunteer positions with the program range from front-desk reception, coordinating with program clients, maintenance, cleaning of equipment, and delivering equipment.  

From client to volunteer: Scott Allen’s experience with the Health Equipment Loan Program 

Scott Allen is a Health Equipment Loan volunteer based in Lethbridge, Alberta. He first learned about the program by using it.  

In September 2023, Scott had his second knee replacement. After being referred to the program by a healthcare professional, he was provided with the necessary equipment to recover in the comfort of his home.  

Scott was loaned a walker, a bathtub chair, and a toilet safety frame. “When you’re trying to get around with a brand-new knee and your legs all swollen and all the rest, those things really help a lot,” says Scott. 
Mojtaba Tanhafar, a HELP volunteer, uses a HubScrub machine to clean health equipment.
After being a Health Equipment Loan Program client, Scott decided to give back and became a volunteer. “When I went into the Red Cross, I discovered they were looking for volunteers and I figured this would be a good way to give back,” explains Scott. “I certainly benefited from the program - now that I’m retired, I have the time to actually be able to do it, so why not?”

Scott volunteers twice a week. He cleans, inspects, and repairs equipment. “I think everyone benefits from belonging to a community,” says Scott. “Every day when I leave, my coworker that I’ve been working with since I started always thanks me for my help that day. Every single day. That reminds me that my work is being appreciated,” says Scott. 

Join Taz in making a difference with the Health Equipment Loan Program 

Taz Gamra is a volunteer with the Health Equipment Loan Program in Edmonton, Alberta. Taz began volunteering with the program last summer and continues to provide meaningful change. “The HELP Program has provided me a platform to serve the community, but it’s also been a source of fulfillment for myself, and it allows me to contribute positively to other people’s lives during my free time,” says Taz.  

Taz discovered the Health Equipment Loan Program while browsing for volunteer opportunities online. He was looking to connect with people and work in a team. The responsibilities of the program aligned with what he was looking for in a volunteer position. 
An aerial shot of a HELP warehouse that stores health equipment used for the program.
“From my time at the Red Cross, I’ve helped people who are newcomers to Canada, elderly, and even children,” says Taz. “The majority of the people that are applying to get equipment through the HELP program don’t have the money to rent or buy this expensive equipment. Having the program really makes a difference and it helps a range of people.” 

To learn more about the Health Equipment Loan Program and find out if the program is available near you, visit our Health Equipment Loan Program page.  

If you would like to make a financial donation to the Health Equipment Loan Program in your area, visit our Health Equipment Loan Program donation page. The program is available in British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Yukon. To donate used equipment, visit our Health Equipment Donations page

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with the Health Equipment Loan Program, visit our Volunteer page.  

Discover Nova Scotia Works CANSA partnership with the Canadian Red Cross 

Randy Parsons has been an active volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross in Nova Scotia for many years. He became a volunteer through a partnership with Nova Scotia Works CANSA.  

The goal of the partnership is for job seekers to gain meaningful experiences, increase their confidence, add to their resumes, and strengthen their connection to the community.  

Learn more about Randy’s experience and this unique partnership by watching the video below. 

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