With climate change contributing to the increasing frequency of severe weather events, it's more important than ever for businesses and organizations to be prepared for the unexpected. The Canadian Red Cross, a recognized and trusted leader in emergency preparedness, is extending its expertise to support businesses and community organizations in becoming better prepared through the Ready Rating program.

“Whether you are taking your first steps or have a well-developed emergency action plan, Ready Rating can help your business, school, or organization achieve a higher level of preparedness,” says Alejandro Terrones, Director of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation at the Canadian Red Cross.
The need to be prepared has never been greater. Latest figures from the Insurance Bureau of Canada show that severe weather led to more than $3.1 billion CAD in insured losses to businesses and residences in 2023. That makes it the fourth worst year for insured damages in Canada’s history.
The value of an online emergency preparedness platform“Businesses have been looking for a program that gives them an easy, achievable path to preparedness, and Ready Rating gives companies of all sizes the roadmap.” - Al Martinez-Fonts, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The benefits of Ready Rating are two-fold. Not only are businesses and organizations – and thereby communities – better prepared to withstand an emergency. Every dollar invested in adaptation measures today saves up to $15 in both direct and indirect economy-wide benefits (Canadian Climate Institute).

Ready Rating has been successfully delivered by the American Red Cross for many years and the Canadian Red Cross is now partnering with them to offer it in Alberta and British Columbia. It will be rolled out Canada-wide later this year.
The platform can be used by anyone but is geared towards small to medium-sized businesses, schools and educational institutions, and community organizations (including faith-based and cultural organizations, non-profits, social enterprises, etc.). Whether you're a business owner in bustling Vancouver or part of a tight-knit community in the Alberta Rockies, Ready Rating is your go-to resource for staying resilient in the face of emergencies.
“I must wholeheartedly commend the Ready Rating program for its outstanding approach to preparing for disaster...the program clearly defines whom one should contact and what steps should be taken to prepare for the unthinkable. The annual rating examination that members take helps us to easily track our progress as we strive to get better.” - Mile High United Way, Denver, CO
Please note that the Ready Rating program is currently only available in English.